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15 min - Free Discovery Call

Honest Money Conversations with you to solve your money concerns

  • 15 min
  • Online Meeting

Service Description

Do you feel like you are always anxious and worried about your money? You need a confidante & expert who can hear you and guide you if you are on the right track. My specialization & expertise will surely will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. In this 15-minute discovery call we listen to you and we can explore where and how we can step-in to help you get Financially Smart and get your financial life in order. No jargon, only honest conversations. If you wish to explore further and get your Financially Roadmap , you can go ahead and book our one-time 1.5 hours paid consultation or our Special Annual Package with added benefits only for members. Get in touch today and start taking control of your financial life with our S.M.A.R.T coaching tools and techniques. Let's get Finanically Smart

Contact Details

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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